Sunday, 9 December 2012
Realism VS Distorted: Who will be the one?
Realism and distorted? Which one do I prefer? If you're going to ask me which of the two, honestly speaking, I don't know what to choose. Why? Because these two art is very different with each other. In realism, we tend to copy the exact detail of a photograph or an art. But in distorted art, we portray it as a different approach. We gave our own meaning to it in a way that it's not easy to understand. In a way that, the only artist himself can explain. Art distortion has different meanings. When you search it on the net, many meanings will popped up. Distortion is any change made by an artist in the size, position, or general character of forms based on visual perception, when those forms are organized into a pictorial image. It is condition of being twisted or bent out of shape. In art, distortion is often used as an expressive technique.
As an artist kuno, I should explore different kinds of doing arts. I should not stick myself in one kind of art that I know I'm already good at it. Since I need to choose one from realistic or distorted, I would choose distorted art. Why? Because in distorted art, any artists can make their own artistic rendition of an art. It reveals who and what the artist is. The feelings, emotions, you can see it in distorted art. Making distorted art is unique. In making distorted art, an artist can do whatever he/she wants in the subject. He/She can change the look of the subject in a different way. In distorted art, you will see how creative the artist is. I appreciate doing distorted art more that realistic art. And it's easy for me to make a distorted art than a realistic one.
Whether it is a realistic or distorted art, it doesn’t really matters because all I know is, what I’m doing is an art, and what I am about to do is to go deeper through art. As long as I know in myself that I can make art, I will make arts. Thought I don't have that talent in making a klauzura ("sketch" By the way, I learned that word from our professor in drawing class. Haha.) I will practice and practice for me to be a great artist in the future.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Ad-lib Art...
Last November 29, 2012, there was an event called the PRISAA. I was aware of this so called game event of different college students from different schools from Laguna. It was the first time for Lyceum of The Philippines - Laguna to host such big event like this. While I was sitting beside my other choir members, our professor asked me to tell my classmates to watch the program and draw the different happenings during the event. At first I was really shocked because of what she said, I was like, "OMG! How can I do that?" I don't have any idea what to draw. Since we need to maximize the time that our professor gave us, I came up with the photographer who's capturing every moment that is happening in the event and one of the members of Lyceum Spartans Dance Troupe that showcased their great talent in dancing.
I can say that I really enjoyed what I did. I was inspired because of my classmates. They helped me to make a better output. I love how we laugh and having fun even if it's a simple thing. I can also say that doing impromptu art is a very challenging task. Why? Because you will think out of the box. You will give your best and your creativity to the fullest to make the best output you can make in a very short period of time. It was also fun because you have your classmates beside you that help you to have the best design. Art has been and always will be my passion. Doing art is fun. It makes me feel so comfortable whenever I'm doing a design. I will practice my skills in drawing. I want to further enhance my talent in drawing. I know I will be good at this with practice. I am looking forward for my better future. :-)
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Arts. Arts. Arts.
For me, the the best period of arts in the history was "Renaissance". According to my researches, the Renaissance began in Italy in the 1300s and was characterized by an intellectual movement away from the religious themes that had blessed in the Middle Ages. Instead, artists during Renaissance began to focus on worldly themes of arts such as the importance of the individual. At the same time, artists began to imitate the styles, particularly in sculpture, that were common in old days. Some of the most famous artists of the Renaissance include Michelangelo for the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and his statue of the biblical David; Leonardo da Vinci for his many paintings including the Mona Lisa; and Raphael for his painting The School of Athens, which describes important philosophers from old days. The Renaissance was also a time when learning in many disciplines spread due to a higher standard of living which led to increasing numbers of universities, academies, and libraries.
Much of this learning influenced the art styles of the period. Painters during the Renaissance used increasing levels of mathematical attention in their work, learning how to apply techniques we take for granted today, such as the use of perspective to portray scenes which appear highly realistic to the viewer. Portrait artists used improved anatomical knowledge to paint human figures which looked accurate. The main distinction between the art of the Middle Ages and that of the Renaissance is the level of realism present in painting and sculpture. I won't say I don't have that much information about history of arts but I can say that our arts in the history
Thursday, 15 November 2012
The beauty, where happiness and sadness clash.
The Mona Lisa was one of the most famous painting in the history of art and
continues to inspire people to make parody, scientific theory, and more. An artwork that was made by one of the most famous painter in the world, Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo made a big name in the industry of painting. He's also the inspiration of many succeeding artists now a days. Some of his paintings, consist of portraits, landscapes and even also some of his well known paintings, The Last Supper, The Baptism, and The Annunciation. But The Mona Lisa, has the best impact to the people in the world. But who is Mona Lisa? What is the reason beyond her mysterious smile? Many questions arose over the years as to the true identity of the woman in the portrait.The Mona Lisa is said to be a portrait of a real woman. Leonardo painted it on the 16th century in Italy. A French government in Musee du Louvre in Paris, France currently owned the portrait. It was believed that it was painted four years.
As I keep on searching, I bumped to a blog about what happened to Lisa Gherardini. Archaeologists said that they’ve unearthed the secret behind the world’s most famous painting, the Mona Lisa. It was said that it was buried beneath the floor of a convent in Florence, Italy. They’ve found a skeleton they believe belonged to Lisa Gherardini, the model who posed for Leonardo’s da Vinci’s mysterious masterpiece. Lisa Gheradini, was the wife of a rich silk merchant named Francesco del Giocondo. In Italy the Mona Lisa is known as La Gioconda. But most modern historians agree that the lady depicted in the Mona Lisa was Lisa del Giocondo, who became a nun after her husband’s death. She died in the convent on July 15, 1542, aged 63. But we're not sure if this discovery is true or not. Maybe we will find it out soon.
As I keep reading on a website about Mona Lisa, many people were asking why she didn't have any eyebrows. It was said to be that it was removed or plucked as was of the fashion in her day. Many people were also asking if it's really a portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci. That he would have painted himself is one of the many theories. But it is widely accepted that it was the portrait of Lisa Gherardini. Some people said that it was Leonardo da Vinci's dream which he illustrated. As of today, many people, including me was still curious of the mysteries behind the painting, Mona Lisa. Mysteries that I think Leonardo da Vinci is the only one who can answer them. A great art work. A big mystery. Let's find it out soon!
Friday, 7 September 2012
Week 10: C R E A T I V I T Y
“Creativity is a double-edged sword. The more ideas we have, the less likely we are to stay loyal to one. So the creative mind ends up jumping from idea to idea, and none of them happen. There is no correlation between how great an idea is and the likelihood of it happening.”
— Scott Belsky
Okay, just so this doesn't go on too long, let’s focus on the most mind boggling thing here. Do you even know what creativity is? It’s not putting something on paper that’s for sure! Creativity is a mental thing! Maybe you can’t draw in any way shape or form. If you can think you can be creative! The definition of creativity has been a subject of debate for many. The definition of creativity for me is that, “Creativity is combining ideas that have never been combined before to form new ideas.” The creative part of art is about what the image, not what medium or platform you use! Going to the platform or medium specifically, you don’t just press a button and let the computer do it for you. I'm sure you will agree, that would take 0 creativity, but it DOESN’T work like that. You plan out an image, and use the tools provided to take your mental image and put it on the screen. Each one of us is creative in our own way. To enhance your creativity, you should not think twice but many times. To be creative you must consider new ideas. Give yourself time to explore and develop your skills before you test them. As an artist, don't wait for the perfect time to arrive that you will show your works. You also need an inspiration for you to become more creative. Having an inspiration will lead you to become more creative and successful for your future works someday.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Week 9: Blog to express, not to impress...
People now a days are now engaging with different kinds of social networking sites and blogging sites. When I started blogging, I knew that it would only work if I was completely honest to my followers. Every post I make, I consider how it would affect the people who would see it and if it truly represents what I feel. So far, I think I’ve done pretty well. However my online presence is nonetheless completely different to who I am as a person in real life. On here I am strongly worded and opinionated and I also have the ability to talk openly with you guys about the problems that are troubling us. In real life I am still extremely opinionated but I’m an introvert and lack a bunch of confidence when it comes to problems. I think this is pretty normal, it’s not that I’m lying on here - it’s just that I can appreciate the freedom I gain behind a relatively anonymous blog personality.
My point is that blogging is a condensed aspect of my personality. And I can say that people who blog is more open minded than other people. I actively take all of the parts of myself that I am proud of and that I am unable to do in real life and project them into my online persona. Yes, it is what I believe in and I am honest about it, but it is not who I could possibly be in real life.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Week 8: Effects of New Media in our lives...
New media has changed our lives in many ways. It became a part of our daily lives actually, it became a routine. Internet is very important, yes it is really important. It helps us to connect with our friends and loved ones. It also became a reliable source of everything. In just one click on the internet, you can search what you want. We can easily communicate with other people. As a teenager, internet really became a part of my life. I can't survive without internet unless I have lots hobbies that can replace the internet. Internet was my friend ever since we had an access to it. I spend most of my time in front of my laptop and just surf the net and talk to my friends in cyber space. I use internet to express what I really feel. Internet makes me happy... really happy.
It wasn’t so long ago that newer technologies allowed for people to cover huge areas of distance using just their voice over a wire. Now you can transmit any number of documents, photos, videos, sounds and text from a computer at home or a phone in your pocket. Media is even evolving to the point where you can create and edit on the device in your hand. People on the whole now have the technology to create readily at their disposal. Society is fully able to create any kind of content that they want and these new skills required to do so are ingrained in children from a young age. Automated processes and the ranges of connectivity in the most basic of devices are far more advanced than the devices of the past. What once required planning, methodology, and time to actualize can now be replicated and shared further than ever in less time. Children learn these new age skills as an aspect of their lives much like oral language. They learn by doing without even realizing it.
For me, there are good and bad effects of new media. Good effect is that, new media exposes me to different things that I don't know. It helps me understand things well. And the bad effect is that the existence of pornographic materials, hacking and debugging. Some children in the young age will be expose with these kinds of stuff that should not be.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Week 7: Rainy Day...
What to do on a rainy day? There are lots of things that you can do during rainy days. You can eat a lot, sleep the whole day, drink a hot chocolate or milk or you can stay in your room the whole day just to read books or stare at your laptop. But, one of the things that I like to do during rainy days is to stay at my room and just read book. I read books a lot, especially stories about love and adventures. But there is only one thing that I want to do during rainy days, that is to just to stay with your loved one and cuddle the whole day and watch a movie together. (I know it's PBB Teens.) But, this is what I love to do during rainy days. How come I can say that I want this? We're far from each other and I hate it. We haven't seen each other for almost a month or two already. I miss that person. How I wish, we can see each other again. Okay, too much drama...
Some people really hate rainy days. Why? It's because of some reasons. Just like, when you have an appointment or you have a get-together with your friends and it's raining really hard. When it's raining hard, your tendency is not to attend or postponed your get-together. I know how it feels. I really love rainy days. I feel so comfortable when it's raining. When it's raining my problems were temporarily forgotten and it feels so good. I love the sound of how the drops of rain fall in our roof. When it's raining, I think of the person I love. No days have passed that I didn't think of that person. I really miss those days that we're together. I miss those days that when we're watching a movie, we held our hands until the end of the movie. Oh, rainy day...
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Week 6: Mod-Dem, Wi-Fi, WAN...
Internet is a worldwide computer network that provides information on very many subjects and enables users to exchange messages. Network is a system of computer that exchange messages and information. The internet is a global computer network. Internet now-a-days was the best source of anything. Just a click on the internet and you’ll find what you want. You can surf the internet anywhere. There is the WLAN network that you can use anytime as long as you have an access on it. There are lots of good effects in using the internet. One is when you need to research about a topic that you don’t know that much. And there are also lots of bad effects in using the internet just like cyber bullying and engage of teenagers in cyber sex. By the use of internet, a person can control directly by a central computer so that the received information is always up-to-date. Many children now-a-days are early engage in the use of internet. Because of this, they can’t enjoy their childhood. For me, internet is good as long as you know how to use it and you know your limitations. If you don’t know your limitations, it can lead you to danger. Use the internet MODERATELY.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Week 5: The MMA Family!
To be one of the members of the MMA family was one of the best achievement in my life. Why? There is our beautiful, sexy and gorgeous Mommy, Ms. Ana Corina Kagaoan. Ms. A shared some of the things that happened to her when she first teach MMA. She was assigned by our Dean, Ms. Myla Loreto that she will be teaching the first batch of MMA students. She told us that, it's really hard to teach MMA students because it's more on graphic arts. And so on... And by the way, this is our gorgeous professor and adviser, Ms. A.
Our ate's and kuya's which are the 2nd year and 3rd year MMA students also shared their achievements. I was amazed of what they shared to us. Even if the population of the MMA students with the past years were few, they got great achievements. I love how they shared and inspired us of what happened to them.
I can say that MMA Family is fun. Our batch was recorded as the biggest number of enrollees. We're hoping that this coming year, we will be one of the biggest courses population in the school. I have no regrets choosing MMA as my course. I have this feeling that when I go further and when I learn more about this course, I will be great just like the others. I'm really happy also to be the Student Council's Vice President of College of Arts and Sciences. I don't care if I have many duties. What I want is, the bonding and the happy moments that I'll get from doing things with the other officers. I also want to share that I'm really happy with my classmates this college. Even though they're so loud and noisy that get Ms. A irritated, I still love them for that. I am really proud to be one of the members of the MMA Family. I can find happiness with this course. I'm looking forward to meet all of the MMA students soon. I promise to meet all of them before they graduate. I love you guys! I love you Mommy A and Daddy Jonathan. I love you MMA Family. :-)
Friday, 13 July 2012
Week 4: Lalala. Teamwork~
Hi, it's been a week since I last posted an entry on my blog. I'm not that active in this blog. I'm active in my tumblr account or my tumblog. Yes, I'm a blogger at tumblr. So why am I posting again here? It's because of our 4th week topic, which is all about TEAMWORK. Yes, teamwork. What comes first to your mind when you heard the word "teamwork"? Maybe there are lots of meanings that come to your mind when you heard that word. Teamwork can be self-explanatory. Teamwork is all about helping each other to be successful in one thing. I think why our professor gave us this topic is because she gave us a 5 minute video presentation about the Evolution of Communication. Yes, it's hard to render videos. It takes you hours to finish a video. Teamwork is needed to be successful in what you're doing. You will know if the term "teamwork" is working on your group if, they always participate, they always give idea and they helped each other. Just like what we did on our video presentation. We helped each other by giving thoughts and ideas on what we're going to do with our video. Teamwork is very important. Don't be dependent on your group mates. You must also participate and cooperate. By doing these, you'll learn a lot of things. You'll learn new skills and your bonding with each other will be strengthen. :-)
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Week 3: With just a snap and voila~
Laptops, iPads, cell phones, the Internet, Google, Twitter, wifi… How has technology affected people’s ability to communicate? All technological advances have many advantages. Technology is really important to our daily lives now a days. With our technology, it helps our daily lives more easier and faster. Technology allows us to stay connected to our loved ones. There is Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Skype and other social networking sites that always help us to stay connected with them. Technological advances had really changed the way people communicate. Last 2011, I've read an article that 60% of the world's population already owned a cell phone. Take note, that was 2011. What year are we now? It's already 2012. I still remember the time when my phone (land line that is!) rang off the hook and I had conversations with my friends all day long. Not so much anymore – now it is all via e-mail, texting and chatting. And when I do have a conversation with a friend, 9 times out of 10 it is on my cell phone. Have you also notice the use of cell phones from time to time? For short, non-stop texting, it's like 24/7. Have you also notice the gadgets of children now a days? A nine-year old child with iPad, laptop, Blackberry cell phones, DSLR? When I was 9 years old, I only have texts, pogs and YuGi-Oh. People now a days communicate with a different kinds of communication.
Let's say that technology makes our daily lives easier and convenient. But because of this technology, we became too dependent. We always want things to be instant. The Internet has made it possible to keep in touch with people from anywhere in the world. And you can communicate on the go using text messaging and cell phones. This has led to some complaints that such technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. Communicating with someone face-to-face allows you to watch their nonverbal cues, such as a smile and this is another layer of communication. Technology doesn't allow people to catch these sorts of nonverbal cues. Alright, I'm going to end this entry. Voila~
Friday, 29 June 2012
Week 2: Communicate!!!
Communication is a tool with which we exercise our influence on others, bring out changes in our and others’ attitudes, motivate the people around us and establish and maintain relationships with them. Communication makes a major part of our active life and is a social activity. This social activity is pursued verbally through speech, reading and writing or non-verbally through body language.
In order for you to communicate successfully, you need to learn how to send mixed signals and how to build suspense, mystery and curiosity. This means that you have to interact with them as if you are not interested, but you provide them with subtle signs that shows that you are interested. You can employ light touches when you talk to them or playful little jabs that will suggest interest… but which leave some mystery. Some people find indirect communication not only attractive and mysterious but also challenging. Many are unfortunately frustrated by this, but it is essential to master if you want to successfully communicate with other people.
So why communicate?
We need to communicate to develop our confidence. We'll be needing it to have a better life in the future. By communicating, we can share our thoughts, emotions and what we really feel. We can express what we really want by communicating. Just like what we are doing every day. We always communicate, even if it's just a "smile". We still communicate. I think that's why we need to communicate. :-)
Friday, 22 June 2012
Week 1: CAS is Fun!

Thursday, 21 June 2012
June 21, 2012
Today was the General Assembly for CAS students and the election for the Student Council for the school year 2012-2013. I was elected as the Student Council’s Vice President for MMA. I don’t know why they voted for me as the Vice President. First, they didn’t know me yet. And I thought the Vice President will be picked at 3rd year MMA students. The time I was elected, I was like, “Are they for reals?” I don’t know how will I react that time. I’m the only first year student who was the Vice President of the Student Council for MMA, the Vice Presidents for Psychology and AB Communication were both third year students. How’s that? And after that, the election ended at exactly 11:00 am. We still attended our Philippine History class since we still have one hour. At exactly 12 noon, our professor dismissed us. We had our lunch at the cafeteria. As usual, I’m with Ian, Gaive, Marion and Zamantha. I forgot to have a picture with Zamantha. But it’s okay. I promise that we’ll have a picture tomorrow since we don’t have classes.
It was English time and our professor discussed our home works. It was about Communication, forms and types and after that, we had an activity and she gave us a group activity to be presented on Monday. And after giving the activity, she dismissed us. After a few minutes, Ms. Anna came in. As usual, she set up everything before she start discussing her lesson. By the way, she’s our teacher in our first major subject. It was Communication Technology. After discussing, she gave us the first topic that we need to blog about. The topic given to us was, “CAS is Fun!” It should be posted in our blogspot account since we are required to have a blogspot account until Saturday night. She gave us also our second project for the first semester, it will be video again so we’re going to have a shoot tomorrow after class. She dismissed us early that’s why I got home early too. :-)
Monday, 18 June 2012
June 18, 2012
It’s Monday again and our class will start at 9:00 am. So, I left our house at exactly 6:00 am and I got to school at exactly 7:45 am. I’m looking for some of my blockmates if there are some who were already at our room but sad to say I don’t find any. While I was walking in the campus, I saw my friend Kim, he’s a third year Information Technology student. He asked me if I can accompany him to go to the office at the 2nd floor of the JPL Building to get his schedule, then after that we went to the cafeteria to buy a bottled water. So, while I’m waiting for the bell to ring, I borrowed his iPad and took some pictures of myself. Seriously, it’s okay to him because we’re like brothers, then he saw my classmate Princess, I never thought that they know each other already. At exactly 8:45 am, Princess and I went to our first room. Mr. NiƱo was already there, and we discussed the first lesson and we had an activity about Komunikasyon and Wika. We’re going to make a jingle about what we’ve discussed and I was assigned to be the leader of our group. I’m the one who’s responsible for giving their grades for the activity. Then, we performed and it was fun. Then after the activity, we had the election for the Class Officers and I was elected as the President of the class for the whole semester. I don’t know how will I react, but I’ll just do my best to make our class active in every activity of our Department.
I’m with Zamantha and Rommel and we had our lunch at Chic Boy at exactly 12:00 noon. We talked about some stuffs about our course and we were talking about our presentation for our major subject, Communication Technology. Since, our English teacher was not able to meet us, we were told to pass our homeworks and have an attendance. Then after I gave our homeworks and our attendance to the substitute professor at the CAS Department’s office, I went straightly to our room. I’m talking with my seatmates when Ms. Kagaoan came and immediately told us to set up everything so we can start our presentation. I’m so happy when Ms. Kagaoan told me that my presentation was good. Since, it’s our last subject, Ms. Kagaoan told us that we need to finish first all the presentations before she dismissed us. It’s already 5:30 pm when she dismissed us.
Today was a tiring day but it was really fun. :-)
One day, I promise that we’ll be here, just the two of us. Reminiscing the happy and sweet moments we’ve had. I miss you already. It feels like we’ve been apart for months. I used to be with you when we both have enough time to see each other. Oh, how I wish I can be with you right now, hold your hands, hug you, stare at your face the whole night and kiss you as you fell asleep.
I miss you, already. I hope you're fine. I can't wait to see you again. I'll see you soon! :-)
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